Saturday, September 8, 2007

SWOT Analysis of Kochi

12th Sept 2005 , 12.00 o'clock..The HR manager announces "All those people who have their Location as Kochi might have to go there after the induction. The technical training will take place there @ kochi"..This day changed my life once and for all....Thanks Kochi and HR...

Here is a simple SWOT Analysis I have done of Kochi. [God's own IT Paradise]


Regular Strikes ( Saddam Hussein’s Death was condemned)

Narrow Streets

People know only Malayalam

Give no respect but expect respect policy


No development

Stupid Auto Fare policies

Food made of Coconut Oil

Very Tough for vegetarians

Pathetic Work Place

Sunday’s Malls , main shopping bazaars are closed

Wait and watch policy

Only a handful of Good Theaters

Bad climate ( Either is very hot or keeps raining heavily)


The King – CPI

Labour force

STOP!!! Policy..Let’s not grow

Only one language known

People not willing to change and let other change


Small City

Amazing Bus service

Marine Drive – Kochi Port

Nature @ its best

Good Omane Kutti’s

Amazing Temples


Not much Environmental Pollution


Is the place where OFC network is present so amazing expansion possible

Possibility of Dubai Smart city

IT parks being setup

Possibility of a Fabrication Plant

Real Estate Growth due to IT firms expansion

The Fact is that ...I faced all the problems ..Didnt know Malayalam, was a Veggie, Was cheated often..Due to some crap Policy

But I thank This place for it taught me "How to Survive!" , "How to Cook", "How to Bargain"..Experiences are the best way to learn and I learnt a lot ...

Despite all the -ve's...I want to go to Kochi/kerala..Go there as a Traveler not as an Employee..Keep ur expectations low so that they are always met..

P.S : All these are based on Personal Opinion


sudhar said...

dude ditch the past!
post more about campus life upload snaps etc etc

Anonymous said...

superb always kitcha the manager u r

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.